Wednesday 21 May 2008

Summer Haze

Is there anywhere better for a bit of r&r than a bluebell wood on a still summer's day?

They may be on the wane but the haze remains and their beautiful scent lingers in the air.
It's been a busy old week for one reason or another and the garden has been my retreat. If you can ignore the unkempt lawn and the weeds, things are beginning to brighten up. I even kept up with Gardener's World this week and did as St Carol Klein recommended, weeding and mulching with dad's marvellous homemade compost.

(That's where the trowel went then.)
And here's the assistant gardener. Most adept at digging holes, falling off fences and generally flattening anything that looks vaguely comfy (especially if it's on the point of flowering!)

Wednesday is a soft old lady who hasn't chased a thing in her life and enjoys a place in the sun to watch the world go by. When I bought my first flat she was part of the fixtures and fittings and since then she's moved out from South London, up North into the countryside, never batting an eyelid.

Poor girl doesn't get much of a look-in thesedays and because they enjoy being outside so much in the garden, (especially as she and her partner in crime Alf have decidedly dodgy tummies), there's not as much knee-sitting time to enjoy, so instead she likes to follow me around the garden for a mid-weeding stroke and keep an eye on what I'm up too. She's a lovely friend, a little bit dozy and the sweetest cat in the world (but she'll never have a career as a model, terrible pose!)

And a quick show of my treasures this week. I'm so chuffed with them, a lovely pair of vintage pillowcases with a sweet pink, stripey frill that'll look beautiful with my embroidered, floral pillowcases. They look a lot nicer now they've been ironed honestly, but not bad for £2.50 all the same!


Leisa said...

Hi Steph, Your garden is looking beautiful. It must be amazing to have such a beautiful place to go for walks too - I should post my walking scenery someday!! Wonderful pillowcases!

Anonymous said...

very pretty pics, the border is coming on lovely, very cottagey and the pillowcases were a bargain!

alice c said...

How pretty your border is already - I really envy those lupins. The slugs in my garden sit and wait for them and then devour them in one frenzied night.
You will have such lovely summer days enjoying the flowers.

Sal said...

That's a beautiful bluebell wood and how gorgeous your garden looks too. Sal;-)

dragonfly said...

What a wonderful place to walk, you just can't beat bluebells.
Your garden is looking good - I have a tray full of lupin seedlings in my greenhouse and am wondering if it's safe to plant them out yet. I'm hoping the garden is a slug-free zone now my chickens have had their fill...

This Vintage Life... said...

What a pretty garden. I love your little dry stone wall! It's nice to have some company in the garden isn't it? I have a patch of catmint that Flo loves to roll around in! Deb x

mollycupcakes said...

Your pussy cat is so cute, she looks very happy in your beautiful garden.
The flowers all look lovely hun.
And those pillowcases are fab.
Enjoy the sun sweetie, it's out here again today yeay! I'm off out in it to do some sewing and painting (I just hpe it stays peacefull and no one turns their flaming music on) all I want to hear is the birds singing and Molly and Daisy playing. Awww heaven.
Have a great weekend.

Catherine x

Claire said...

You take some gorgeous pics and your garden is lovely so are the gorgeous blubell woods. We have a puuly washing line in the new house and I cant wait to get my washing swaying in the wind like it should be....Claire x

JuicyFig said...

you look like your life is very floral at the moment! blue bells woods are just fantastic!
And even though I definatly not a cat person, she looks lovely and gentle!


Anonymous said...

Great photos of the bluebell wood. Your garden is looking really good too. Have a good bank holiday weekend.

Heidi said...

Hi Steph, Happy Friday to you!...Just want to let you know that you've been 'tagged" by me!...Hope you don't mind! Enjoy the weekend!...Heidi :)

Rubyred said...

What a lovely bluebell wood!Love yor pretty pillow cases ,what a bargain!
Rachel x

Garden Girl said...

Steph, your garden is looking beautiful, glad you're taking Carols' advice. I was watching her on Chelsea last night-doesn't she scrub up well?!
I love your cats name, it's brilliant.x

mommyholly said...

I love those photos, soooo gorgeous!!! :)

Unknown said...

Your garden is looking great, and what a sweet looking little kitty.

Rosie x

Deb said...

Your garden looks so lovely Steph & your cat is precious! Vintage Pillowcases were a great find and look so nice air drying.

P. said...

A very nice blog. I will come back.

Anonymous said...

Your garden is looking lovely, I can see the lupins - unfortunately mine died off last year. Pics of wild garlic too that brings back memories of picking a huge bunch for my mam when I was little ( not knowing what it was) and it stunk the caravan out :-)
Lisa x