Sunday 14 February 2010

Car Boot Bounty

Oooh it is a lovely, lovely Sunday in here in the Moorlands. There are clouds and a cool breeze but the sky is light and the sunshine has brightened my mood no end. I feel jolly and cheery and very, very happy to be back on form and with that delicious feeling that the most important things are right with our little world.
(a glimpse of our view this morning, all bleached bright and breezy)
We were all up early today, doing a bit of family Valentine's stuff. My boys are so sweet and produced a beautiful blue hyacinth "because mummy likes smelly flowers!". Woody gave me a super Observer guide to Wild Animals - vintage of course - to go with my expanding collection of guides covering all things from the seashore to wild flowers.

It being such a bright morning there was guaranteed to be a good turn out at the local car boot and, seeing as we all like a rummage through boxes of old tat, we headed off and returned an hour or so later with bags full of treasure.
Now this is my kind of washing up. Delicate treasures in need of a little tlc.
First up an ancient sandwich tin, possibly from the '50s I was told. I love the cream and duck egg blue but its a bit too rusty for sandwiches so it's going to become a new home for my seed packets.
Spring really feels as if it might just be peeping around the corner today so I couldn't resist these teeny Sylvac style bunnies and yet another flowery cup.
Primroses and violets; not long until they begin to peep through in our garden. And I think a few will find a home in here with another bunny.
And I think this is my very favourite find. We love the Ahlberg books (especially the Jolly Christmas Postman) but I've never seen this one before.
It's a sad story with  a happy ending and it made me well up when I read it.
The illustrations are just the most perfect ever. I dearly want to live in this cosy little house where the baby finds a family and lots of love. I hope our home feels like this for our babies.
Knitted tea cosys, a brick fireplace, braided rugs, embroidered sofa backs, cats curled up asleep.
Who needs interiors magazines? I think I've finally found my style Bible!


Connie said...

I do thoroughly enjoy peeking in on your blog from time to time, sugar. Photos are lovely but you can tell that you absolutely love being home with your babies. Nice to meet you, sweet chickee!

Sophie - Chez Sophie said...

Lovely bootie finds for you today, I wish the local booties round my way would start up again.
Luv Sophie xxx

Jen said...

Such gorgeous finds! I love the floral cup and plate. I'll definitely be visiting a car boot next weekend!

VintageVicki said...

Some excellent finds there - can't wait till our bootsales start again next month.

Love the Ahlberg book - we had loads of those when the boys were small. Think we might have even had that one too. They are all in the attic now awaiting grandkids ;)

Hen said...

Oooh Steph, I'm SO jealous, you still have booties going on up there, you're tough, you lot up North! Lovely finds, you must be really chuffed. I'm thinking of a surprise trip up to the railway near you for Mr HH's birthday in June so I might need a bit of advice if you don't mind...
Hen xxx

LissyLou said...

what lovely finds. i love ahlberg books!

Anonymous said...

What fabulous finds. I adore your flowery cup and the book you found, the illustrations in the book are delightful. I love it. xxxx

bellaboo said...

Love your header picture and all your boot finds,just the kind of things I would have gone for.I love the excitement of unwrapping all my 'goodies' when I get home too! Sounds like you have very thoughtful little ones.

Bellaboo :)

salty pebble said...

beautiful illustrations in that book- must keep and eye out for that one little sweet pea loves 'tom and lucy at the seaside' by shirley hughes (1976 puublished) bought for 50p in a jumble sale- she asks for that to be read every night- the illustrations are so sweet and it reminds us of holidays by the sea...the bunnies,sammies tin and plate are so gorrrrgeous!

lovely blog as always x

Jo said...

Oh, you were so lucky to find that book. I LOVE the Ahlbergs too, and always want to climb into the illustrations. By the way, I've spent part of this week planting snowdrops into pretty teacups too!

Anonymous said...

Great finds! I am itching for car boot season to start round here again. I love the Ahlbergs as well. My favourites are Each Peach Pear Plum and Peepo. I love the chaotic cosy house in Peepo! Also I love the view from your house - it feels like spring is just waiting round the corner.
Ruth (no blog!)

GardenOfDaisies said...

Steph, I know what you mean about wanting to live in the house in that story. I have always felt that way about the little cottage pictured in the book "Come By Chance" by Madeleine Winch. Have you heard of that one?

...Nina Nixon... said...

Lovely treasures and I'm glad your feeling better - we are fans of Ahlberg here too and well the The Jolly Postman, need I say more?

Nina x

KC'sCourt! said...

What really lovely finds I'm so jealous!

Katy Noelle said...

Lucky, Lucky, Lucky you! We love the Ahlbergs' books! Like Sue, up above, "Peekaboo" was/is one of our all time favorite books even though it's for very young children. (yeah, right! = ] ) We finally got the "Jolly Postman Christmas book" for my three kiddos and had one of those magical moments reading it Christmas eve.

I'm glad that you're feeling more perked up and I love the new photo at the beginning. Katy

Leisa said...

What wonderful finds once again. I am so looking forward to next weekend with two big events locally, hopefully with much treasure to find!! It doesn't happen too often here!!

Claire said...

Steph, you certainly bagged yourself some nice goods at the car boot sale.
I wish we had such car boot sales "Downunder" I would be more than happy to get out of bed early on a weekend to attend.
Lovely little story book, I could quite happily live in that house too.
Anymore, crafty projects in the pipeline?

charl said...

ooo lucky you having carboots now..round were i live they dont start until about easter time.. !!.
you got some lovely things..

Pink Feather Paradise said...

The primrose cake plate is my favourite.. and then everything else comes a close second... I must get to a car boot next weekend... if there is one around

have a good week

The Curious Cat said...

What a beautiful book - I love the illustration! So cosy indeed! And I love the plate in the sink - gorgeous! :) xxx

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Ooh Steph, my favourite is the "Little Cat Baby" ....... "and brushed it's fur till it shone!" ahlbergtastic!

Sarah x

Im Estee said...

Im so pleased to have stumbled across your blog today, you have very pretty photos. Great finds may I say at your boot sale.

Tilly Rose said...

i get the same feeling as you from childrens books, I love the 'Percy the Parkkeeper' books and want his kitchen....also 'Peace at last' how they all go up to be together.....such a lovely family

Garden Girl said...

oooh, didn't you do well?! You are very much a bargain hunter extraordinaire Steph!
I haven't forgotten your seeds- I keep mine in an old oxo tin, and am hoping to sort through them next weekend-will keep you posted!

Carol said...

Some lovely carbooty finds. What a good use for the old tin - your seeds and your "style bible" is perfect!

The Fairy Glade said...

Lovely finds, lucky girl. My ideal living room too, so warm and comfy and that braided rug is to die for! Dev x

nikki said...

I love your blog, have been following it for awhile and finally I decided to comment. I am from New York, but love love the vintage looks. The pictures are beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

ooooh yummy finds. I can't wait for car boots to start again. March around our way.

Specially love the tin and the china.


Alchamillamolly said...

I loved reading this to my kids my daughter loved it and you had to read it to the end because she used to worry that it would end differently and he wouldn't fidn a family. They couldnt get over that he could change his own nappy if I rememer correctly. We are adding some more shelves to our alcove in the lounge and so I am moving some stuff around and hope to get their old books out of the loft so I can enjoy them - they are all in their twenties now so dont think they will want me to read to them again??


I have been reading and so enjoying your blog for a while, and when i read you had been to a car boot sale I was filled with longing and green with envy , im from yorkshire and we only have a very scrappy indoor one until easter time when the outdoor ones start up again, your side of the nort people must be more weather proof!!! your blog is one of the blogs to encourage and inspire me to start my own little rambling blog,so thanks, best wishes...

Anonymous said...

love the blog, i also live near leek, and do the cattle market boot, not lived here long, are there any boots local.


Sabine said...

Bye Bye Baby was THE most favourite book of my son, I had to read it to him every single day, and he knew it by heart.
It's really nice to have discovered your blog.