Tuesday 9 February 2010

Keeping Me Company

Oh dear. I thought I was doing ever so well getting back up to speed after my rotten bug, but I'm back in bed. Now it's the fluey cold thing that's been doing the rounds. Today I've stayed in bed. All day. I am sniffling and very achey but am very well supplied with tons of orange juice. Anyway I'm very hugely bored of feeling offside, so I won't go on.

I've spent the day staring out over our beautiful views, watching glorious clouds change shape and pattern, then drop snow and hail showers across the woods and fields and eventually clear to let very welcome, golden sunlight bathe the valley. It's been a huge tonic and I'm feeling a lot better.
The rest has done me good but I've hardly moved so don't have any pictures of the view to show you. So instead I'm showing you these that make me smile. I've never owned a dog, we've always been a cat family and not been home enough to give a dog the life it deserves.

But these little chaps have been stealing my heart over the past few months. I think its the expressions, I don't know why they look so mournful poor things. If ever we were in the right position it would be one these terriers (or maybe a Border) who I'd have to bring into our home to curl up by the Aga and walk with me through the woods  (the Aga in my dream house this is!)
So Bertie, Stanley (of course) and Little Sam are cheering me up. I found the pictures in our lovely local bookshop last week, they're by Milkwood Publishing, a lovely Cornish company who produce some delightful cards, perfect for keeping all to yourself and framing (they do have a website but I can't seem to open it today to make a link). Edited to say: Its working - here's the link now.

Thanks for all you lovely comments about my bash at crafting! I'm still blushing and maybe I'll show you something else I've made sometime soon. Have a lovely week, I'm off back under the eiderdown with a lemsip.


Lyn said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Steph. We would love a dog (don't tell Lucy!) but like you are out most of the day and it wouldnt be fair-at least the one's you have don't need walking!

bellaboo said...

Oh dear,do hope you feel better soon.Those dogs are really sweet.Much less of a handful than the real thing!
My sister's just got a border terrier puppy and she DOES lie infront of the Aga!
My dream home would have one too and I know Bella would love it.

Bellaboo :)

Claire Oast Farm said...

Hi! Hope you feel better soon, have had similar for weeks now, we just need a bit of warmth from the sun now.

We decided to have our Fox terrier put to sleep today, which is why your post meant so much just now - i will definitely get one of those cards from the Cornish company. You are right about their expression - they are amazing dogs and very funny. Lucy is 16 and not her self any more, but she has been a lovely pet. xx

GardenOfDaisies said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. Drink a nice cup of hot tea with a squeeze of lemon juice in it and then curl up under a blanket and take a little nap. Always makes me feel better.

...Nina Nixon... said...

Hope you feel better soon Steph - sounds like your in the best place. Eiderdown and views.....mmmmmmmmm.

Get well soon,

Nina x

Sal said...

I hope you feel better very soon!
Meanwhile...keep warm under that eiderdown!
;-) xx

Shari Sunday said...

Hi. Not sure what a lemsip is (a sip of something lemon perhaps?) but I hope you feel better. Been under the weather myself and nursing a cough and a bit of a sore throat right now. Enjoyed your post.

Justine said...

Hope you feel better really sooooon!

Helsie said...

What bad luck to be sick again but your description of your view makes me want to fly over and visit you.
On the dog front we have had an Airedale Terrier in the past. She was a lovely family pet- a real doggy dog that did everything with the kids when they were young. One of our gods at the moment is a Border Collie and a softer, more loving dog would be hard to find. I love dogs. They give you lots back.

Pink Milk said...

I love your pictures; are they watercolours?

We have a dog called Bertie too - a cocker spaniel - trust me, yours is so much more low maintenance - our Bertie is malting for England at the moment!!

Some friends of ours have a terrier called Mabel and she's just gorgeous - so very ladylike!

I do hope you feel brighter soon.


Claire said...

Steph, sorry to hear you are unwell, but looking out your window at that everchanging view, must certainly lift your spirits. Your description of it makes me feel somewhat envious. Although I look at mountains from my bedroom window, I would never see them covered in snow! Sending warm wishes for a super duper speedy recovery from "Downunder"

Katy Noelle said...

Add me to the list of people that are sad you're not feeling so great and hope that you're much better soon.

Good thing you have dogs! They always seem so sympathetic and understanding - whether they're real or not.



KC'sCourt! said...

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon... I was starting to think that I was the only person in the world with a week on week off arangement with some kind of bug or another... are there just more of them around this year?

lovely photo's and hope you feel better soon... wish Danny would leave me alone long enough to get some sleep... the description of lying in bed watching the clouds took me back to my childhood memories of lying in bed at my mum and dads... those were the days when lye ins were the norm.. lol

big hugs

Bertie Meadows said...

Hello Steph, I hope you feel better soon. Your dogs are so cute, I especially like the names ha ha x.
Bertie x

vintage flair1 said...

Hope you feel better soon, just got over my horrible cold.
Love the dogs!!
Take care
Bridie x

The Curious Cat said...

oh dear! I hope you feel better soon. It must be nice though to sit and watch the view and the clouds...you have more time to think when you are laid up...so every silver cloud can have its lining. Still, I hope it passes quickly.

I am like you- a cat person but I agree with you on the expressions of the little doggies. Very sweet and somewhat humorous - I hope they perk you up! xxx

periwinkle said...

hope you are feeling much better now - I don't think I'd mind a day in bed to be honest lol. Love the little pram in your last post .. well done you :-)

Bobo Bun said...

Tucked up and cosy is probably the best place to be at the moment Steph. Hope it's not much longer before you feel human again.

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Hi there
I love your blog, and I hope you do not mind but I have added it to my blogroll on my new site. :)
Love Melanie