Thursday 30 August 2007


Well not from blogging but today I really could curl up under my gorgeous new (well to me at least) eiderdown and sleep for a week. Probably too many late nights and very early mornings (5.30am thanks to early bird Arch). Either that or I truly am a hedgehog and the shorter days (dark at 8.30 already!) are making me think its time to go to sleep for about five months.
Not that I really want to, just having one of those wading through treacle days today.

So, obviously nothing else for it than to lift my spirits with a trip to the charity shops in search of something pretty and joy - I found some.
  • A beautiful Woods Ivory ware dish which my grandma had lots of in her china cabinet. Perfect for displaying painted eggs at Easter.
  • Couldn't resist this pretty rosebud jug, so sweet and only £1.

My other treats are ebay wins which arrived today,

  • Finally my own vintage copy of Willow Farm which I've been looking for a reasonable copy of and £5 seems like a bargain.
  • A lovely free brooch which I got with something else, three roses made from modelling clay I think with quite an old clasp.
  • Finally the odd, round bobbly thing is really the prettiest, plaster pink brooch. Made with tiny buttons and an odd, bumpy material I have no idea what it could be but it looks sweet and again seems quite old.

Sorry about the pictures, this camera is either hopeless or its me. Hmmmm...a poor workman and all that. Better keep quiet!

I've also bought a baaaaaaaad couple of things on ebay today - two Father Christmas postcards! I've got no defence at all, its still August for heaven's sake but they are lovely. Only £1 each and I was so worried I might miss them. Oh who am I kidding, I must be an elf!


Anonymous said...

I think your finds are well worth being a little bit naughty for and how could anyone who loves cards resist those gorgeous Christmas cards even in August?

Leanne said...

I love a rummage around the charity shops too!. theres nothing like finding a little treasure to cheer you up.

your rosebud jug is so pretty, I have one similiar,and guess where that came from!

leanne x

AC said...

Great finds ~ I love poking around in charity shops.
Alison x

Ragged Roses said...

I think I'm having one of those wading through treacle kind of days today, just can't seem to wake up properly! Love the charity shop finds and very glad you found your book!
Kim x

Kimberley said...

Hi, Steph!

Congratulations on those finds, especially the jug and, oh, there's nothing like finally getting a copy of a book you've wanted, eh? :)

Hope you have a great day, even if it IS treacly!

Vintage to Victorian said...

Hi Steph

I've found my Children from Willow Farm! I cleared out the garage this afternoon, and found loads of books in a box - and that was in it. So I don't need to scour the charity shops or ebay for one after all!!!!

Just read your latest post - lovely piccies of your all. Glad all's going well with Woody.

Sue xx